Abortion Ed

We do not perform or refer for abortions.

When facing an unplanned pregnancy, it can seem as though there is no hope and no options available to you. We are here to help provide all of the facts when it comes to abortion, because you deserve to know the full truth.

With any medical decision, it is important to ask questions. We encourage you to research the procedure in order to get a clear picture of the side effects that come with it. We want you to know all of the medical facts so that you can make an informed decision.


When considering an abortion, most women are given the social, moral and religious implications. We believe that you deserve to know all of the medical facts. Read on to learn more about the procedure and the medical implications of it.

The Abortion Pill

A chemical abortion is a 2-step process. The first pill taken cuts off the fetus' supply of the hormone Progesterone. This hormone is necessary to keep the baby alive. The second pill (or suppository) is taken 24-48 hours later and causes the pregnant woman to go into labor and deliver the baby and placenta.

What to consider:

  • A chemical abortion (RU-486) requires three visits with the abortion provider. 

  • Most chemical abortions are completed within 2 weeks, but may take up to a month to complete. 

  • Side effects include heavy bleeding and clotting, headache, cramps, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. If this method fails, a surgical abortion Will be required. 

  • Women who have the following issues may not be a candidate for a chemical abortion: severe anemia, adrenal disease, severe liver, pulmonary or kidney disease, clotting disorders, heart disease, ectopic pregnancy or glaucoma.

Surgical abortion

There are different types of surgical abortion. 

  • A suction abortion requires that the cervix (opening to the womb) be stretched large enough for a suction tube to be placed inside the uterus and connected to an electric or manual vaccum device that pulls the fetus' body apart and out. 

  • A dilation and evacuation abortion (D&E) also requires for the cervix to be stretched and forceps are used to pull out the fetal parts through the cervix. Then the remaining tissue is removed using a suction device.

Morning After Pill

Plan B One-Step (Morning-After Pill) is marketed as emergency contraceptive that can be taken within the first 72 hours after intercourse to prevent pregnancy. The Morning-After Pill is a single pill containing a high dosage of a progesterone hormone, and when used as directed, it prevents or ends pregnancy. It works primarily by preventing the egg and sperm from meeting.  It may also prevent a newly formed life from implanting in the uterus and continuing to develop.  This ends the life; however, it won’t disrupt an implanted pregnancy.

Possible side effects include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, headache and irregular periods. Cramping and abdominal pain may also result from the use of Plan B.  Women experiencing severe abdominal pain after taking the drug may have a ectopic (tubal) pregnancy, and should seek immediate medical help.

It wouldn’t be like I was getting an abortion, right?

That’s a possibility. Sperm can reach the fallopian tubes just minutes after intercourse. If an egg has already been released, conception could occur. If the Morning-After Pill is taken after the egg is fertilized, the human embryo may not be able to implant due to the effects of the hormones, which alter the lining of the uterine wall. If that’s the case, the Morning-After Pill would cause a very early abortion.

The Danger of Online Abortion Pills

Taking this pill can be dangerous to your health, especially in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, which requires immediate medical attention. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the embryo lodges outside of the uterus. This is a potentially life-threatening condition, and could result in internal bleeding or death. Do not purchase an abortion pill online without consulting a doctor. There is no regulation with this type of pill, and in the result of an ectopic pregnancy, it could put your health in danger.

Have you taken an abortion pill and now regret your decision? Call the number below for immediate assistance.